Alberto A Martinez

Alberto Martinez is originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico. His research interests include history of mathematics and physics, especially the origins of Einstein's special theory of relativity, as well as the works of Giordano Bruno and Galileo.
He is the author of "The Cult of Pythagoras "(University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012), on the evolution of myths in the history of mathematics. He is also the author of "Science Secrets: The Truth About Darwin's Finches, Einstein's Wife, and Other Myths" (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011). And previously, he published "Kinematics: The Lost Origins of Einstein's Relativity" (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009), and "Negative Math" (Princeton University Press, 2005). His new book, "Bruno, Galileo & the Inquisition" is forthcoming in June 2018 from Reaktion Books.
Based on articles he wrote about the 2016 Presidential Election, Martinez is also writing a book about the political news media, "The Media Versus the Devil Mr. Trump."