Corinne Jones

Corinne Jones is an Assistant Professor jointed appointed in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences in Moody College of Communication and Neurology at Dell Medical School. She is also a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist with UT Health Austin. Her research interests include motor control and motor learning of swallowing behaviors, innovative evaluation of swallowing disorders (dysphagia) and noninvasive neuromodulatory approaches to dysphagia rehabilitation.
Dr. Jones received a joint doctorate in neuroscience and communication sciences and disorders from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where she investigated changes to swallowing function in the early stages of Parkinsons disease. She completed her clinical training at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, with a specialized focus on evaluation and treatment of dysphagia. She is an expert in the use of pharyngeal high-resolution manometry for assessing pressures generated in the throat during swallowing and she brings her spirit of international collaboration to UT.