Daniella M Rempe

Daniella M Rempe
Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Phone: +1 512 471 5290
Email: rempe@jsg.utexas.edu
CV (pdf)

Media Rep Contact

Anton Caputo (primary)


Daniella Rempe is a hydrologist and geomorphologist interested in understanding how the evolution of the near-surface environment drives hydrologic and ecologic processes. She uses a diverse set of hydrological and geophysical field techniques to probe the interior of hillslopes to understand how surface and subsurface processes influence water resources to vegetation, rivers, and the atmosphere. Learn more about Daniella's research interests here.

Daniella joined the faculty of the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas at Austin as an assistant professor in the Fall of 2016. Enthusiastic and motivated students at all levels who are passionate about understanding the intersection of rock, water, and life are encouraged to contact Daniella about opportunities to join the research group. For more information, please visit here.

Media Rep Contact

Anton Caputo (primary)