William E Forbath

Professor, Lloyd M. Bentsen Chair in Law, School of Law
Phone: +1 512 232 1326
Email: wforbath@law.utexas.edu
William Forbath is among the nation's leading legal and constitutional historians; he is the author of "Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement" (1991), " Social and Economic Rights in the American Grain" (2009), "The Great Society and the Constitution of Opportunity" (2015, with Joseph Fishkin), "The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution" (2014, with Joseph Fishkin), and about one hundred articles, book chapters, and essays on legal and constitutional history and theory. His scholarly work has appeared in Yale Law Journal, Harvard Law Review, Stanford Law Review, Law and Social Inquiry, and the Journal of American History; his journalism at Politico.com and in American Prospect and the Nation. His current research concerns social and economic rights in the courts and social movements of South Africa. Professor Forbath visited at Columbia Law School in 2001-02 and at Harvard Law School in 2008-09. He is on the Editorial Boards of Law & History, Law & Social Inquiry: Journal of the American Bar Foundation, and other journals, and on the Board of Directors of the American Society for Legal History, Texas Low-Income Housing Information Services, and other public interest organizations.