Coleman Hutchison

Coleman  Hutchison
Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts

Phone: +1 512 471 8372

Media Rep Contact

Daniel Oppenheimer (primary)

Lauren Macknight (primary)


Coleman Hutchison (Ph.D., Northwestern, 2006) teaches and writes about U.S. literature and culture to 1900. He has abiding interests in poetry, print culture, southern literature, popular and folk music, and histories of sexuality. His work has appeared in American Literary History, Common-Place, Comparative American Studies, CR: The New Centennial Review, Journal of American Studies, The Emily Dickinson Journal, PMLA, and Southern Spaces, among other venues.

He is the author of the first literary history of the Civil War South, "Apples and Ashes: Literature, Nationalism, and the Confederate States of America;" the co-author of a guide for students, "Writing About American Literature;" and editor of "A History of American Civil War Literature."

Hutchison has two books-in-progress: "The Ditch is Nearer: Race, Place, and American Poetry, 1863-2009" and a popular biography of “Dixie.” The former project studies the interpenetration of locality and racial consciousness in American poetry between Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and Barack Obama’s inauguration; the latter tells the story of how a song gave a region a nickname, and how that nickname helped to shape the region’s cultural identity.

Media Rep Contact

Daniel Oppenheimer (primary)

Lauren Macknight (primary)