David V Gibson

Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, IC2 Institute

Phone: +1 512 475 8901, +1 512 475 8941
Email: davidg@icc.utexas.edu

Media Rep Contact

Michael Wolman (primary)
(512) 232-9151

Laura Klopfenstein (primary)


Dr. Gibson is Associate Director, IC2 (Innovation, Creativity, Capital) Institute. His Ph.D. is from Stanford University with an emphasis in organizations, communication, and innovation. During 2000-2001, he was a Fulbright Scholar at Instituto Superior T?cnico, Lisbon, Portugal. He teaches Knowledge/Technology Transfer and Adoption in IC2's MSSTC degree program. He is Director of UT-Austin/Portugal International Collaboratory for Emerging Technologies (CoLab) and University Technology Enterprise Network (UTEN). Dr. Gibson's research and publications focus on the management of technology/knowledge; cross-cultural communication and management, and the growth and impact of regional technology centers worldwide. His journal and book publications have been translated into Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Finnish, Norwegian, and Portuguese.

Media Rep Contact

Michael Wolman (primary)
(512) 232-9151

Laura Klopfenstein (primary)