Hector Dominguez-Ruvalcaba

Associate Professor, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Phone: +1 512 471 4936
Email: ruvalcaba@austin.utexas.edu
Spanish Speaker
Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba is an associate professor at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. He teaches Queer Latin American Literature and Culture, Latin American Modernism and film. His research interests include queer Latin American Studies, gender violence in the US-Mexico Border and criminal organizations in Mexico.
His publications include "La modernized abject, Formación de discurso homosexual en Latinoamérica" (Xalapa: Universidad Veracruzana, 2001), "Modernity and the Nation in Mexican Representations of Masculinity" (New York: Palgrave, 2007). He co-authored the book "Desmantelamiento de la ciudadanía y políticas de terror en la Frontera Norte" (Mexico Eon-UAM, 2011). He has also edited the volumes "Entre las duras aristas de las armas: violencia y victimización en Ciudad Juárez" (CIESAS: 2006); "Gender Violence at the US-Mexico Border" (University of Arizona, 2010); and "Diálogos interdisciplinarios sobre violencia sexual" (FONCA-Eón, 2012).