Laurie B Green

Associate Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
Associate Professor, Center for Women's and Gender Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Associate Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts
Phone: +1 512 736 1002
Associate Professor, Center for Women's and Gender Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Associate Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts
Phone: +1 512 736 1002
Dr. Green's central research areas include the politics of race and gender in the twentieth-century U.S.; social movements; and cultural studies. She teaches modern U.S. history, with concentrations on women and gender in twentieth-century America, the Civil Rights Movement, the South, African-American history and comparative race and ethnicity. She earned the 2008 Philip Taft Labor History Book Prize for her book "Battling the 'Plantation Mentality': Race, Gender and Freedom in Memphis during the Civil Rights Era" (2007). The book was also a finalist for the 2008 OAH Liberty Legacy Award.