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Search results for "human rights"

Pascale R Bos
Associate Professor, Department of Germanic Studies, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 6373
Expertise: 20th-century comparative Western European and U.S. literature; cultural studies, gender and memory; Holocaust; modern Dutch and modern Jewish literature and culture; ethnic minorities in Europe; cultural memory, trauma, race and gender, gender issues.

Mounira M Charrad
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 6300, +1 512 232 6311
Expertise: Political Sociology; State Formation; Social Movements; Gender and Women's Rights; Colonialism; Comparative-Historical Sociology; Middle East and North Africa; gender issues

Donna De Cesare
Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1980
Expertise: Documentary photography; video storytelling; Latin American studies; human rights and visual documentary; journalism and trauma; children at risk; child soldiers; youth gangs; visual storytelling for NGOs and non-profit sector.

Edwin Dorn
Professor Emeritus, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
Expertise: International affairs; national security/ defense policy; human resources policy (especially military personnel); civil rights/ race relations; policy making (especially the executive branch); federal education policy; African politics, business

Ariel E Dulitzky
Clinical Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1256
Expertise: International human rights law, Latin America

Denise L Gilman
Clinical Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 7796
Expertise: Denise Gilman teaches and directs the Immigration Clinic after having joined the clinical faculty at the University of Texas Law School in the fall of 2007. Professor Gilman received her undergraduate degree with honors in political science from Northwestern University. She received her law degree from Columbia University School of Law where she served on the Law Review. Professor Gilman also has an LLM from Georgetown University Law Center. Professor Gilman clerked for Judge Thomas M. Reavley, at the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. She is fluent in Spanish.

Celestine Gonzalez De Bustamante
Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Historical and contemporary issues related to media in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, Mexico, and other parts of Latin America

Benjamin G Gregg
Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7274
Expertise: Democracy, Rule of Law, Human Rights, Political Theory, Social Theory, Bioethics, Genetic Manipulation of Humans

Ian F Hancock
Professor Emeritus, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: Romani (Gypsy) language (origins, history, civil rights movement); creolization of language; English (dialects, history, spread overseas), language and identity
Monica A Jimenez
Assistant Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts

Derek P Jinks
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1265
Expertise: Public International law, international humanitarian law, human rights law, and criminal law.

Nik Palomares
Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Mental health; how communication effects psychological wellbeing; cyberbullying; how people respond to fact-checking of information and misinformation online

Samantha Pinto
Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3434
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Feminist, gender, and sexuality theory; African American and African diaspora literature, culture, and theory; postcolonial literature; aesthetics; celebrity; black studies; and divorce.
Nestor P Rodriguez
Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 6300
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Nestor Rodriguez has conducted international research in Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador, and has traveled and lectured in China and Japan. His present research focuses on Guatemalan migration, U.S. deportations to Mexico and Central America, the unauthorized migration of unaccompanied minors, evolving relations between Latinos and African Americans/Asian Americans, and ethical and human rights issues of border enforcement.

Angela Valenzuela
Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 6008
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Specializes in urban education from a sociological and multicultural perspective, with a focus on minority youth in schools, particularly at the K-12 level.