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Search results for "mathematics"


Mark I Alpert

Mark I Alpert

Professor Emeritus, Department of Marketing, Red McCombs School of Business

Expertise: Consumer behavior; marketing research; retailing; pricing; marketing communications; emotion in consumer behavior, business.

Chandrajit L Bajaj

Chandrajit L Bajaj

Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5133, +1 512 471 8870

Expertise: Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Data Analysis & Visualization. In one project, he's developing chemical imaging techniques that could enable earlier cancer detection by identifying the chemical make-up of individual cells in a biopsy. In another, he models the 3D structures of HIV and other viruses to search for drugs that might be a good fit.

Jay  Bartroff

Jay Bartroff

Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, College of Natural Sciences

Expertise: statistics, statistical computing, data science, sampling, sequential and streaming data, mathematics, probability, forensic statistics, clinical trials, gambling and casino games

James P Barufaldi

James P Barufaldi

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Curriculum design, teacher education, science education

Tasha Beretvas

Tasha Beretvas

Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Faculty Affairs
+1 512 471 3007, +1 512 471 4363

Expertise: Interested in statistical models with a focus on deriving and evaluating multilevel model extensions and meta-analysis models for educational, behavioral, social and medical science data.

Chandra R Bhat

Chandra R Bhat

Professor, Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
+1 512 471 4535

Expertise: Activity and travel behavior analysis; Travel demand modeling; Application of econometric, discrete choice and market research techniques in transportation planning; Logistics and freight modeling; Transportation energy and transportation air quality analysis; Urban form and spatial data modeling; Artificial Intelligence and Transportation Safety and Equity; Urban management; Pollution

Henry W Brands

Henry W Brands

Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3261

Expertise: U.S. history; American presidents; Franklin Roosevelt; Andrew Jackson; Woodrow Wilson; Benjamin Franklin; the Cold War.

Catherine  Calder

Catherine Calder

Professor, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 8802

Expertise: Spatial statistics, Bayesian modeling and computation, and statistical network analysis. Focused on applications in the environmental, social, and health sciences.

M Bayani Cardenas

M Bayani Cardenas

Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 6897

Expertise: Hydrology and Hydrogeology

North Cooc

North Cooc

Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 7923

Expertise: Explores how family background, culture, and school contextual factors influence decisions and trajectories within special education.

David J Eaton

David J Eaton

Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 8959, +1 512 471 8972

Expertise: Eaton has written on rural water supply, international water resource conflicts, energy management, environmental problems of industries, management of emergency medical services, applications of mathematical programming to resource problems, insurance, and agriculture. His research focuses on sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs, and prevention of pollution. Eaton's current research concerns U.S.-Mexico environmental cooperation, new methods for evaluation of air pollution emissions, joint management by Palestinians and Israelis of shared groundwater, and water conservation in Texas; conservation, energy, pollution, water & wastewater

Susan B Empson

Susan B Empson

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Elementary children's mathematics thinking; sociocognitive theories of learning, classroom processes; teacher development

Terry S Falcomata

Terry S Falcomata

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Assessment and treatment of problem behavior displayed by individuals with ASD/DD, methods for increasing behavioral variability in individuals with ASD/DD, and methods for preventing clinical relapse pertaining to challenging behavio

Wallace T Fowler

Wallace T Fowler

Professor and Paul D.& Betty Robertson Meek Centennial Professorship in Engineering & Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering

Expertise: Spacecraft and Mission Design; Aircraft Design; Vehicle Modeling; Lunar and Planetary Exploration Systems; Multimedia Engineering Education

Charles  Fraser

Charles Fraser

Department Chair, Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Pediatrics, Dell Medical School

Keith  Hawkins

Keith Hawkins

Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1309

Expertise: Galactic & stellar archaeology; Chemical composition of stars; stellar spectroscopy; Galactic structure

Desmond F Lawler

Desmond F Lawler

Professor and Nassir I. Al-Rashid Chair in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering

Expertise: Particles in water and wastewater treatment processes; Mathematical modeling of treatment processes; Physical-chemical treatment; Drinking and industrial process water treatment

Michael P Marder

Michael P Marder

Executive Director - UTeach, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3612

Expertise: Fracture; deformation of materials; computational materials science; condensed matter physics; nonlinear dynamics; teacher preparation; discovery learning; Uteach.

Alberto A Martinez

Alberto A Martinez

Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: History of science and math, Einstein, historical myths in science, notions of race, political news media.

Lauren A Meyers

Lauren A Meyers

Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 4950

Expertise: infectious disease epidemiology, evolutionary dynamics, molecular evolution, viruses, bacteria, RNA, mathematical modeling, computer simulation, bioinformatics, flu, Ebola, Zika, malaria

Stella S Offner

Stella S Offner

Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3853

Expertise: star formation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, numerical simulations, computational methods & hydrodynamics, astrostatistics, astrochemistry

Sarah R Powell

Sarah R Powell

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6556

Expertise: Develops and tests interventions for students with mathematics difficulties, emphasizing word-problem solving, mathematics writing, data-based decision making, and the vocabulary within mathematics.

Mark G Raizen

Mark G Raizen

Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0883, +1 512 471 4753

Expertise: Atomic physics; laser cooling of atoms; trapping atoms; methods for enriching stable isotopes; desalination of water; energy efficient lighting; molecular motion; materials science; quantum optics; laser optics.

Joshua D Rhodes

Research Scientist, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering

Catherine  Riegle-Crumb

Catherine Riegle-Crumb

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 2388, +1 512 475 8642

Expertise: Focuses on the social construction of gender and racial/ethnic inequality in educational opportunities and experiences in STEM fields from a sociological perspective. Methodological expertise in quantitative research methods and analyses of large scale datasets.

Victor  Sampson

Victor Sampson

Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 7504

Expertise: Studies the ways culturally and linguistically diverse groups of people use disciplinary the core ideas and practices of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to explain phenomena or to solve problems that are meaningful and consequential to them.

Luis  Sentis

Luis Sentis

Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering
+1 512 471 5987

Expertise: Human centered robotics; Mathematics of movement and manipulation; Building legged humanoid robots; Software architectures for sensing and acting; Biomechatronics

Kamy  Sepehrnoori

Kamy Sepehrnoori

Professor and Bank of America Centennial Professorship in Petroleum Engineering, Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
+1 512 471 0231, +1 512 471 3161

Expertise: Reservoir simulation development and application; Simulation of enhance oil recovery processes; Computational methods; Parallel computations; Applied mathematics; Naturally fractured reservoir modeling; Co-optimization of CO2 sequestration and enhanced oil recovery; inverse modeling;

Gerald E Speitel

Gerald E Speitel

Professor and John J. McKetta Energy Professorship in Engineering, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
+1 512 471 7995

Expertise: Treatment processes for hazardous organic chemicals, including biodegradation and adsorption; Drinking water treatment; Computer models of treatment processes

William G Spelman

William G Spelman

Professor Emeritus, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs

Expertise: Urban policy and management; urban politics; criminal justice policy; prisons; municipal policing; community crime prevention

Philip U Treisman

Philip U Treisman

Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2271, +1 512 471 6190

Expertise: Education Policy; mathematics education; economics of education; educational equity; education program design and evaluation volunteerism

Etienne E Vouga

Etienne E Vouga

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 7482

Expertise: computer graphics, applied mathematics, scientifiic computing, visualizing, geometry processing and design