College of Natural Sciences Experts

Scott J Aaronson
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Quantum computers; computational complexity theory; theoretical computer science

Eric V Anslyn
Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0068
Expertise: Developing chemical sensors for real-world applications such as detecting counterfeit wine, spirits and olive oil

Taft E Armandroff
Director, McDonald Observatory, McDonald Observatory, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3300

Chandrajit L Bajaj
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5133, +1 512 471 8870
Expertise: Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Data Analysis & Visualization. In one project, he's developing chemical imaging techniques that could enable earlier cancer detection by identifying the chemical make-up of individual cells in a biopsy. In another, he models the 3D structures of HIV and other viruses to search for drugs that might be a good fit.

Brett J Baker
Associate Professor, Department of Marine Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: He uses DNA sequencing technologies and computational analyses to discover marine microbes that can't be cultured in the lab and reconstruct their evolutionary histories. Keywords: metagenomics, transciptomics, proteomics, marine microbial communities.

Jay Bartroff
Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: statistics, statistical computing, data science, sampling, sequential and streaming data, mathematics, probability, forensic statistics, clinical trials, gambling and casino games

Aprile D Benner
Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 1964
Expertise: Human development; adolescence and young childhood; social, emotional, and cognitive growth and maturation of young people

Danielle A Berg
Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences

William M Best
Research Associate, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences

Joydeep Biswas
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous service mobile robots, long-term autonomy, machine perception, planning, failure recovery for autonomous mobile robots, human-robot shared autonomy

Carlos Botero
Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Boteros research is broadly interested in how organisms cope with and adapt to fluctuating environments. His labs work is currently focused on understanding the evolutionary causes and consequences of enhanced cognition as well as the variety of forces that drive the evolution of human culture. The lab is also involved in collaborative efforts to understand and predict organismal responses to climate change.

Brendan P Bowler
Academic Center Affiliate, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences

Michael Boylan-Kolchin
Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3343
Expertise: Cosmology and galaxy formation; dark matter physics; near-field cosmology; high-redshift galaxies; globular clusters; cosmological structure formation; cosmic reionization; astronomy

Simon J Brandl
Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Simon Brandl is a fish ecologist who studies the ecology, evolution, and functional role of fishes. He is particularly interested in some of the most common, but difficult to see fish known as cryptobenthic fishes, or just cryptos. These fishes, such as gobies and blennies, are small and live on the bottom of many ecosystems, such as coral reefs or the local oyster reefs. While they are often overlooked, they are extremely abundant in tropical coastal ecosystems worldwide, account for almost 1/10 of all vertebrate diversity on Earth, and feed many of the larger species we care about. Insight into these types of fish will help researchers better understand the role fish have in marine ecosystems.

Molly S Bray
Department Chair, Nutritional Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3958
Expertise: Child and Adolescent Health, Epigenetics, Health & Medicine, Nutritional Sciences

Jennifer S Brodbelt
Department Chair, Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0028, +1 512 471 0041
Expertise: development and application of mass spectrometry for identifying biomarkers related to cancer, heart disease, metabolic disorders and more

Edward J Buskey
Department Chair, Marine Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 361 749 3102, +1 361 749 3104
Expertise: Biological oceanography; marine ecology; marine plankton; harmful algal blooms (red tides brown tides); behavior and sensory perception of marine organisms; bioluminescence

Catherine Calder
Professor, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 8802
Expertise: Spatial statistics, Bayesian modeling and computation, and statistical network analysis. Focused on applications in the environmental, social, and health sciences.

David Cannatella
Department Chair, Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 453 1620
Expertise: My team and I investigate the evolution of amphibians. Some areas of interest are the higher-level phylogeny of amphibians, biodiversity of Neotropical frogs, signal evolution in frog mating calls, behavioral ecology of poison frogs, and relationship of bioinformatics and systematics. I am also the Associate Director for Biodiversity Collections in the Department of Integrative Biology.

Caitlin M Casey
Academic Center Affiliate, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy clusters, starbursting galaxies, extragalactic, James Webb Space Telescope, JWST

Swarat Chaudhuri
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, AI, formal methods, safe autonomous systems, trustworthy machine learning, automated reasoning, programming languages, compilers, program synthesis

James R Chelikowsky
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 9083
Expertise: Quantum models for functionalized nanostructures; simulations of liquids and crystal growth; simulated images from probe microscopies; defects in oxides; materials informatics; high performance algorithms for the electronic structure problem.

John Chisholm
Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences

Anita L Cochran
A&P (Part-Time), McDonald Observatory, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1471
Expertise: Astronomy, our solar system (particularly comets, asteroids and Kuiper Belt objects); origins of planetary systems; optical spectroscopy; McDonald Observatory

Laura L Colgin
Professor, Department of Neuroscience, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 6361, +1 512 232 6564
Expertise: behavior, cell biology, learning and memory, synaptic biology and small circuits, integrative neuroscience

Molly E Cummings
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 6243, +1 512 471 5163
Expertise: sensory ecology, genomic response, evolution, biodiversity, organismal biology, behavior

Bryan W Davies
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5535
Expertise: infectious diseases, microbial behavior, peptides, antibodies

Jaimie N Davis
Acting Director, School of Human Ecology, Department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0971
Expertise: child and adolescent health, nutritional sciences, obesity, behaviour

Jaquelin P Dudley
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 8415, +1 512 779 7769
Expertise: Animal viruses; retroviruses; breast cancer; oncogenes; transcription regulation; retroviral vectors; leukemia; communication

Kenneth H Dunton
Professor, Department of Marine Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 361 749 6728, +1 361 749 6744
Expertise: marine science, Arctic, seagrass, climate change, global warming, food webs, marine ecology, ecosystem dynamics

David J Eaton
Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 8959, +1 512 471 8972
Expertise: Eaton has written on rural water supply, international water resource conflicts, energy management, environmental problems of industries, management of emergency medical services, applications of mathematical programming to resource problems, insurance, and agriculture. His research focuses on sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs, and prevention of pollution. Eaton's current research concerns U.S.-Mexico environmental cooperation, new methods for evaluation of air pollution emissions, joint management by Palestinians and Israelis of shared groundwater, and water conservation in Texas; conservation, energy, pollution, water & wastewater

Lauren I Ehrlich
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 7080, +1 512 475 7125
Expertise: COVID-19, immunology, T cells, T cell leukemia, autoimmune disease

Andrew Ellington
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 3424, +1 512 471 6445
Expertise: Directed evolution; ribozymes; biotechnology; chemical and biological warfare detection

Peter H English
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Biology Instruction Office, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 6560

Andrew J Esbaugh
Professor, Department of Marine Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 361 749 6835
Expertise: Marine science; effects of climate change, toxins and ocean acidification on fish; fish physiology; environmental physiology; respiratory gas exchange; acid-base and osmoregulatory balance; the evolution of physiological systems; aquatic toxicology;

Caroline E Farrior
Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 6922, +1 512 232 6933
Expertise: plant communities, hydraulic strategy, carbon allocation in forests, sequential resource limitation

Karen L Fingerman
Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0618
Expertise: adolescene and young adulthood, adult development, aging, culture, interpersonal relationships, parenting and caregiving

Steven L Finkelstein
Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1483
Expertise: galaxies, black holes, James Webb Space Telescope, JWST, early universe

Ilya J Finkelstein
Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1394
Expertise: COVID-19 mutations, cancer, genomic instability and maintenance

Keely D Finkelstein
Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3339

Norma L Fowler
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1295, +1 512 471 4546
Expertise: My students and I are currently pursuing a variety of questions in several areas of plant population biology and plant ecology. These areas include (1) the dynamics and regulation of plant populations; (2) competitive and facilitative interactions between plants and their consequences for community structure and for species distributions across their landscape; (3) the effects of herbivory and of fire on plant population dynamics, plant-plant interactions, community structure, and landscape-scale distributions. We address these topics using a variety of plant species (grasses, forbs, woody plants) and communities, including central Texas savannas and woodlands. Field, greenhouse, and garden experiments, descriptive field studies, and theoretical models are among the techniques we have used. A number of our current projects have conservation applications, including the preservation of an endangered annual forb and the management of woodland preserves. Please see our research webpages for more information.

Katherine Freese
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Cosmology and astroparticle physics; dark matter; dark energy; dark stars; dark big bang; weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS)

Lee A Fuiman
Associate Director for Fisheries and Mariculture Laboratory, Marine Science Institute, College of Natural Sciences
+1 361 749 6795
Expertise: Dr. Fuiman's research includes both laboratory and field experiments on the behavioral and sensory capabilities of fish larvae. This approach has led to important insights into the change in vulnerability of larvae to predators during early life. He combines the behavioral approach with detailed studies of changing sensory and locomotor morphology to understand how behavior may be constrained. Dr. Fuiman also studies the effects of environmental variables (e.g., temperature and salinity) on a larva's capabilities. He incorporates field experiments to form ecological interpretations for the laboratory results. His research has now expanded to include assessment of sublethal effects of pollutants and their ecological interpretation.

Karl Gebhardt
Department Chair, Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 590 5206
Expertise: Astronomy, black holes, globular clusters, elliptical galaxies, galaxy clusters, dark energy, HETDEX, Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment

Kenneth W Gentle
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 7581
Expertise: Plasma physics; fusion energy; environment & earth science.

George Georgiou
Professor and Cockrell Family Regents Chair in Engineering No. 9, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 6975
Expertise: Engineering and preclinical/clinical development of human enzyme therapeutics for cancer treatment. Development of methods for the molecular-level understanding of antibody responses to immune challenge. Analysis of the antibody repertoire elicited by viral infection (e.g. HIV-1) and vaccination to aid the development of more efficient vaccines. Engineering of antibody therapeutics displaying enhanced ability to recruit cytotoxic leukocytes and blood proteins (complement) for the effective clearance of pathogens.

Elizabeth T Gershoff
Director, Population Research Center, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Child and youth development; adolescence; parenting; parental discipline; violence; early childhood education

Lawrence E Gilbert
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 2825, +1 512 471 4705
Expertise: Community ecology; wing pattern genetics; biological variance; imported fire ants/phorid fly interactions; butterfly/plant interactions

F Gonzalez-Lima
Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 8497, +1 512 937 8859
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Neuroscience, neuroanatomy, neurobiology, physiological psychology, psychobiology, learning and memory, brain energy modulation, and neural mechanisms of behavior, transcranial laser stimulation of human cognitive and emotional functions

Vernita Gordon
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5187
Expertise: Experimental biological physics; multicellular systems; the role of physics and spacial structure in developmental and evolutionary systems.

Kristen L Grauman
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 9521
Expertise: artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, machine perception, graphics, visualization, visual recognition, image and video search, video summarization, video analysis, first-person vision, embodied and multi-modal perception, interactive machine learning, object and activity recognition, unsupervised visual discovery, deep learning

Kristen M Harris
Professor, Department of Neuroscience, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 944 0779
Expertise: Knowing the dimensions and connectivity of synapses is fundamental to understanding function. In the brain, more than 90% of synapses occur on dendritic spines. These tiny protrusions from the surface of dendrites measure about 1 micrometer in length. Dendritic spine structure is clearly important for normal brain function because when brain function is impaired, such as in conditions of mental retardation, epilepsy, and stroke, the dendritic spines are either gone, or have highly distorted shapes and sizes.
Our goal is to elucidate structural components involved in the cell biology of learning and memory. We study long-term potentiation (LTP) and its complement, long-term depression (LTD), in the developing and mature hippocampus because these phenomena have many of the physiological characteristics that are expected for learning and memory in the brain. Our working hypothesis is synaptic plasticity that serves to modify synapses in the creation of new memories competes with homeostatic mechanisms that serve to prevent saturation of synaptic strength and neuropathology. Our focus has been on dendritic spines because they are the major postsynaptic targets of excitatory axons throughout the brain and because their structure and composition serve both synaptic plasticity and stabilizing homeostatic mechanisms.

Justin W Hart
Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, general purpose service robots, intelligent robotics, autonomous human-robot interaction, human-computer interaction, robot self-modeling, semantic mapping

Keith Hawkins
Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1309
Expertise: Galactic & stellar archaeology; Chemical composition of stars; stellar spectroscopy; Galactic structure

Dean Hendrickson
Curator, Ichthyology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 9774
Expertise: Hendrickson focuses on the ecology and evolutionary history of fishes, primarily in the arid southwestern United States and northern Mexico.

Graeme A Henkelman
Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 769 3180
Expertise: Energy conversion and storage; fuel cells; chemical reactions at surfaces; novel catalysts; battery materials.

David L Herrin
Professor Emeritus, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Microalgae and minialgae; biofuels; genetic modification; chlamydomonas.

David M Hillis
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5792
Expertise: Molecular evolution; vertebrates; systematics; evolution of viruses; endangered species; amphibians; reptiles; fishes; mammals; birds; molecular biology; DNA; genetics

Simon M Humphrey
Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0312
Expertise: Catalysis; materials science; nanoscience and nanotechnology; polymer chemistry; surface chemistry.

Alexander Huth
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence; AI; decoding words from thoughts; machine learning; natural language processing; large language models; generative AI; understanding how the brain processes language and represents meaning

Brent L Iverson
Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies
+1 512 750 0519
Expertise: Biotechnology; bioorganic chemistry; organic chemistry; molecular biology; drug and diagnostic development

Robert K Jansen
Director, Plant Resources Center, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 8827
Expertise: Molecular systematics and evolution; evolution and systematics of the asteraceae; chloroplast DNA evolution; origin and evolution of oceanic island floras; role of hybridization on the extinction of rare species

Shalene Jha
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Jha studies the interactions between pollinators (predominantly bees), plants and the landscape. Her work offers insights into supporting declining populations of native pollinators.

Shardha Jogee
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1395
Expertise: Astronomy, galaxy evolution, Hubble Space Telescope, galaxy surveys (GEMS, GOODS, Hubble Ultra Deep Field, STAGES), ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array)

Thomas E Juenger
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 5751
Expertise: Phenotypic evolution, physiological genomics and evolution in C3 (Brachypodium) and C4 (Panicum) grasses.

Timothy H Keitt
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5004
Expertise: Keitt is an expert on the ecological impacts of a proposed border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Su Yeong Kim
Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5524, +1 512 475 6014
Expertise: Development of children of immigrants in the United States, with a focus on children of Chinese and Mexican origin; parenting; parent-child relationships

Elizabeth Klingbeil
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Areas of expertise:
nutrition; gut-brain axis; dietetics; gut microbiome; gut health; feeding behavior; satiety signaling; medical nutrition therapy; weight management

Adam R Klivans
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 9790
Expertise: His research interests lie in machine learning and theoretical computer science, in particular, Learning Theory, Computational Complexity, Pseudorandomness, Limit Theorems, and Gaussian Space. He also serves on the editorial board for the Theory of Computing and Machine Learning Journal.

Travis J Laduc
Curator, Herpetology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 6339
Expertise: Reptiles and amphibians, biodiversity, evolution, ecology

Keji Lai
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 9128
Expertise: Energy-harvesting materials; experimental condensed matter physics; nanoscale electromagnetic imaging; complex oxides; nano-materials; transport in low-dimensional systems.

David A Laude
Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2154
Expertise: As the graduation champion for The University of Texas at Austin, Laude is an expert on using data, academic support and incentives to help ensure that students succeed as undergraduates and graduate on time.

Edward G LeBrun
Research Scientist, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Invasive ant species; tawny crazy ants; fire ants; sustainable biocontrol of invasive ants;

Heather Leidy
Associate Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 573 825 2620

Zhanfei Liu
Professor, Department of Marine Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 361 749 6772
Expertise: Marine organic compounds are produced in the ocean surface through photosynthesis and are modified by bacteria or zooplankton; some are preserved by interaction with minerals. Dr. Lius research investigates the source, distribution, and changes of organic compounds in marine environments. Knowing geochemical behaviors of organic compounds is critical for a better understanding of global carbon cycle and nutrient dynamics. Dr. Liu is also interested in geochemical behaviors of petroleum hydrocarbons in marine environments. More recently, he's turned his attention to nurdles, small bits of plastic that are increasingly appearing in marine environments, to find out what toxins they may be absorbing and passing along to wildlife.

John E Luecke
Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 4176
Expertise: topology; knot theory

Allan H Macdonald
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 7960, +1 512 232 9113
Expertise: Graphene; spintronics; cold metal atoms; quantum hall systems; nanoparticles.

Edward M Marcotte
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 3919, +1 512 471 5435
Expertise: biochemistry, cancer, computational biology, drug discovery, systems and synthetic biology

Michael P Marder
Executive Director - UTeach, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3612
Expertise: Fracture; deformation of materials; computational materials science; condensed matter physics; nonlinear dynamics; teacher preparation; discovery learning; Uteach.

Roberto Martin-Martin
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, robotics, computer vision, machine learning, perception

Mikhail V Matz
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 992 8086
Expertise: climate change, ecology, epigenetics, evolution

Richard A Matzner
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5062
Expertise: Cosmology; general relativity; computational astrophysics; satellite dynamics; large-scale computation

Michael Mauk
Professor, Department of Neuroscience, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 897 9528
Expertise: Mechanisms of learning and plasticity, Information processing in the cerebellum, Computer simulation of cerebellum

Jason McLellan
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 1906
Expertise: Jason S. McLellan specializes in understanding the structure and function of viral proteins, including those of coronaviruses. His research focuses on applying structural information to the rational design of vaccines and other therapies for viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. McLellan and his team collaborated with researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Vaccine Research Center to design a stabilized version of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is a key element in at least four COVID-19 vaccines to have either reached Phase 3 clinical trials or been approved for emergency use (those from Pfizer and BioNTech; Moderna; Johnson & Johnson and Janssen Pharmaceutica; and Novavax). McLellan also co-developed a vaccine candidate for RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) that is currently in human trials.

Lauren A Meyers
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 4950
Expertise: infectious disease epidemiology, evolutionary dynamics, molecular evolution, viruses, bacteria, RNA, mathematical modeling, computer simulation, bioinformatics, flu, Ebola, Zika, malaria

Risto P Miikkulainen
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 7316, +1 512 471 9571
Expertise: artificial intelligence, neural networks, natural language processing, computer vision, evolutionary intelligence, neuroevolution, bioinformatics, computational biology, machine learning, cognitive science, computational neuroscience

Jennifer Moon
Professor of Instruction, Biology Instruction Office, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 4011
Expertise: genetics, regulation of gene expression, basic biology, plant biology, teaching in higher ed

Raymond J Mooney
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 7316, +1 512 471 9558
Expertise: artificial intelligence, bioinformatics and computational biology, machine learning, natural language processing

Nancy A Moran
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 5701
Expertise: insect and bacterial genomics and evolution, symbiosis, microbiology, molecular biology, biodiversity

Caroline V Morley
Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1402
Expertise: atmospheres of exoplanets, the search for extraterrestrial life, brown dwarfs, extrasolar planets, James Webb Space Telescope, JWST

Charles B Mullins
Professor, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering
+1 512 471 5817
Expertise: Materials chemistry for energy studies regarding solar photoelectrocatalysis; catalysis of nano-structured surfaces; materials for lithium-ion battery electrodes.

Julian B Munoz
Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences

Lisa Neff
Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 6886
Expertise: family, close relationships, marriage, adult behaviour, human development
Howard Ochman
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 5666

Stella S Offner
Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3853
Expertise: star formation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, numerical simulations, computational methods & hydrodynamics, astrostatistics, astrochemistry

Yale N Patt
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 471 4085
Expertise: Microprocessor architecture in the many core era; Parallelism and superscalar processor design; Seriously heterogeneous chip multiprocessors; How to help students learn

Amy Pavel
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, graphics and visualization, human-computer interaction, natural language processing, human-AI interaction, accessibility, video & augmented reality/virtual reality, machine learning

Shelley M Payne
Director, LaMontagne Center for Infectious Disease, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 9258
Expertise: Infectious diseases; bacterial pathogens; emerging infections; iron metabolism; cholera and E. coli diseases

Steven M Phelps
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 6304
Expertise: gene regulaton, social cognition, epigenetics and transcription, population genetics, neural network models

Jonathan T Pierce
Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 4137, +1 512 529 9331
Expertise: cell biology, neurogenetics, molecular biology, ion channels, neurotransmitter receptors and molecular signaling

Mark G Raizen
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0883, +1 512 471 4753
Expertise: Atomic physics; laser cooling of atoms; trapping atoms; methods for enriching stable isotopes; desalination of water; energy efficient lighting; molecular motion; materials science; quantum optics; laser optics.

Timothy E Riedel
Associate Professor of Practice, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: I am the faculty in charge of a course-based research experience for undergraduates devoted to developing at-home or DIY Diagnostics.

Michael Rose
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 4456
Expertise: Creating hydrogen fuel from water and light; Synthetic inorganic chemistry; solar fuels; catalysis.

Stephen Russell
Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0753, +1 512 471 8391
Expertise: Adolescent sexuality; LGBT youth; parent-adolescent relationships; childhood development

Michael J Ryan
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 554 2433
Expertise: behaviour, evoluton, organismal biology, phylogenetic reconstruction and comparisons

James G Scott
Professor, Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 471 5905
Expertise: statistical computation, Bayesian interference, machine learning, hierarchical models

Jonathan L Sessler
Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5009, +1 512 471 6674
Expertise: Organic chemistry; texaphyrins; expanded porphyrins; anion recognition; drug development; anti cancer agents; technical analyses of patents

Deirdre Shoemaker
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: Her research interests center on black holes and gravitational waves, understanding these and other aspects of strong gravity and how it reveals itself in the universe. To that end, Prof. Shoemaker works with gravitational wave detector teams to work toward understanding gravitational physics.
Gabriela L Stein
Department Chair, Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 1883

Peter H Stone
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 9796
Expertise: Artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, machine learning, multi-agent learning, robotics, e-commerce, trading agents, autonomic computing

David W Taylor
Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 9156
Expertise: CRISPR, cryo-electron microscopy, biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology

Edward C Theriot
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2379, +1 512 471 4997
Expertise: Algae; aquatic biology; paleontology; freshwater ecology; evolution; diatoms; Texas Natural Science Center

Paul K Toprac
Professor of Instruction, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 9574
Expertise: Dr. Toprac's research continues to involve the use of games, simulations, mobile apps, and XR to change emotion, motivation, learning, and behavior in individuals. Current and past projects and software publications can be found at

Keiko Torii
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences

Philip U Treisman
Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2271, +1 512 471 6190
Expertise: Education Policy; mathematics education; economics of education; educational equity; education program design and evaluation volunteerism

Fatima A Varner
Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 8580
Expertise: adolescene and young adulthood, human development, culture, parenting and caregiving

Etienne E Vouga
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 7482
Expertise: computer graphics, applied mathematics, scientifiic computing, visualizing, geometry processing and design
John B Wallingford
Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2784

Mary F Wheeler
Professor Emeritus, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering
Expertise: Numerical solution of partial differential systems with applications to the modeling of subsurface and surface flows and parallel computation.

Andrew B Whinston
Professor, Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 471 7962, +1 512 471 8879
Expertise: Resource allocation issues; bundle markets in electronic commerce; digital economy; electronic commerce; electronic financial markets; network management, business.

Alexander L Wild
Curator of Entomology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 1896

Claus O Wilke
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2459
Expertise: computational evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, population genetics, statistics, artificial intelligence

Carlton G Willson
Professor and Rashid Engineering Regents Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
Expertise: Polymers, materials, and processes for microelectronics; Photoresists; Liquid crystals; Computer simulation; Mass transport studies; Kinetics; Graft polymerization; Biosensor arrays; Novel processes for producing nanometer scale structures

Harold H Zakon
Professor, Department of Neuroscience, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0194, +1 512 471 3440
Expertise: Neurobiology; neuroendocrinology; electric fish; ion channels; hormones and the brain

Kelly R Zamudio
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences

Yuke Zhu
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, robotics, robot learning, machine learning, computer vision, interactive perception

Corwin Zigler
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 8722
Expertise: Public health, epidemiology, environmental health, statistics, data sciences, biostatistics, computational medicine