School of Law Experts

David E Adelman
Professor and Harry Reasoner Regents Chair in Law, School of Law
+1 512 232 0877
Expertise: David E. Adelman teaches and writes in the areas of environmental law, intellectual property law, and climate change policy. Professor Adelmans research focuses on the many interfaces between law and science. His articles have addressed such topics as the implications of emerging genomic technologies for toxics regulation, the tensions between legal and scientific evidentiary standards in regulatory decision making, and development of effective policies for promoting innovation relevant to addressing climate change.

Owen L Anderson
Lecturer, School of Law
+1 512 232 1446
Expertise: Oil, gas/energy law

Ronen Avraham
Senior Lecturer, School of Law
+1 512 232 1357
Expertise: Torts, Tort Reform, Healthcare Reform, Insurance Law, Law and Economics

Oren Bracha
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 9325
Expertise: Intellectual property, cyberlaw, legal history and legal theory.

Robert M Chesney
Dean, School of Law, School of Law
+1 512 232 1120
Expertise: National security law and policy; terrorism (history, law, policy); law of war; federal criminal law relating to national security; intelligence and the law; constitutional law.

Jamein Cunningham
Assistant Professor, School of Law
Expertise: Intersectionality of institutional discrimination, access to social justice, crime and criminal justice, race and economic inequality

Michele Y Deitch
Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 232 2562, +1 512 296 7212
Expertise: juvenile justice; prison reform; crime and criminal justice

Mechele Dickerson
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1311
Expertise: Consumer debt, U.S. housing crisis, income and wealth inequality, student loans, remedies

Ariel E Dulitzky
Clinical Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1256
Expertise: International human rights law, Latin America

John S Dzienkowski
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1367
Expertise: John Dzienkowski teaches and writes in the areas of professional responsibility of lawyers, real property, international energy transactions, and oil and gas taxation. He is widely regarded as one of the most dynamic and effective speakers on topics of professional responsibility and he has delivered almost one hundred ethics presentations to in-house corporate departments, large and small law firms, state bar continuing legal education programs, and law faculties throughout this country.

William E Forbath
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1326
Expertise: Constitutional law, legal history, social and economic rights in courts, social movements of Africa, Texas low-income housing

Denise L Gilman
Clinical Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 7796
Expertise: Denise Gilman teaches and directs the Immigration Clinic after having joined the clinical faculty at the University of Texas Law School in the fall of 2007. Professor Gilman received her undergraduate degree with honors in political science from Northwestern University. She received her law degree from Columbia University School of Law where she served on the Law Review. Professor Gilman also has an LLM from Georgetown University Law Center. Professor Gilman clerked for Judge Thomas M. Reavley, at the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. She is fluent in Spanish.

John M Golden
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1469
Expertise: Patent law, intellectual property, administrative law, contracts, science and technology

Steven Goode
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1331
Expertise: Evidence; criminal law; professional responsibility & ethics with emphasis on privileges and confidentiality; communication

Tara Grove
Professor, School of Law
Expertise: Administrative law, civil procedure, constitutional law, federal courts

Kelly L Haragan
Clinical Professor, School of Law
Expertise: Environmental law, Clean Air Act, air permitting

Henry T Hu
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1373
Expertise: Law and economics of corporate and international finance; swaps; derivatives; securities; banking; corporate governance; hedge funds; mutual funds; new financial products and financial innovation; corporate hedging; investment and risk management; business, economics & labor

Derek P Jinks
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1265
Expertise: Public International law, international humanitarian law, human rights law, and criminal law.

Jennifer E Laurin
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 3627
Expertise: criminal and constitutional litigation, regulation of criminal justice institutions, civil rights, criminal procedure

Sanford V Levinson
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1351
Expertise: Constitutional Law, constitutional design, emergency powers and constitutional theory, torture and the law

Angela K Littwin
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 5561
Expertise: Bankruptcy; consumer credit especially credit cards; secured credit

Thomas O McGarity
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1384
Expertise: administrative law, environmental law, food safety law, and torts

Susan C Morse
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Law
+1 512 232 9346

Linda S Mullenix
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1375
Expertise: Mass tort litigation; class action litigation; federal civil procedure; federal courts; professional responsibility

H W Perry Jr
Associate Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 1852, +1 512 232 7228
Expertise: U.S. Supreme Court; constitutional interpretation; the intersection of law and politics; free speech; class actions; public law

Lucas A Powe
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1345
Expertise: U.S. Supreme Court; First Amendment; Second Amendment; Constitutional law; sports law

David M Rabban
Professor and Dahr Jamail, Randall Hage Jamail and Robert Lee Jamail Regents Chair, University Distinguished Teaching Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1308
Expertise: Higher education law, academic freedom, free speech, labor law, legal history, constitutional law

Lawrence Sager
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1355
Expertise: Constitutional law, constitutional theory, religious liberties, legal process

Wayne Schiess
Senior Lecturer, School of Law
+1 512 232 1333
Expertise: Legal writing; legal research; drafting; plain language

Elizabeth W Sepper
Professor, School of Law
Expertise: Constitutional law, gender and the law, health law, religion and law

David S Sokolow
Distinguished Senior Lecturer, School of Law
+1 512 232 1379
Expertise: Contract law, corporate law, entertainment law, art law

David B Spence
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1369
Expertise: David Spence is a professor in the Department of Business, Government and Society at The University of Texas at Austin. Professor Spence's research and teaching focuses on business-government relations and the regulation of business, particularly energy and environmental regulation. Before coming to academia, he was a practicing attorney representing public utilities, energy companies and others in connection with a wide variety of environmental and energy regulatory matters.

James C Spindler
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1096
Expertise: Securities regulation, corporate law, corporate finance, securities disclosure, corporate fraud, corporate governance, executive compensation, securitizations, and auction rate securities

Elissa C Steglich
Clinical Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1387
Expertise: immigration and citizenship law, immigrant's rights

Jordan M Steiker
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1346
Expertise: Capital punishment; constitutional law; federal habeas corpus; criminal law

Michael F Sturley
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1350
Expertise: Admiralty and maritime law, particularly the commercial aspects of maritime law (such as the international carriage of goods by sea); Supreme Court practice; commercial law, payment systems

Melinda E Taylor
Executive Director, Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Energy, Law, and Business
+1 512 232 3641
Expertise: Melinda E. Taylor is a Senior Lecturer and Executive Director of the Center for Global Energy, International Arbitration and Environmental Law. Taylor joined the faculty of the Law School in January 2006. Prior to joining the faculty, she was the director of the Ecosystem Restoration Program of Environmental Defense where she managed a staff of attorneys, scientists and economists engaged in projects to protect endangered species and water resources across the United States. Taylor has also served as deputy general counsel of the National Audubon Society in Washington, D.C. and was an associate at Bracewell & Patterson in Washington.

Wendy E Wagner
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1477
Expertise: Professor Wagner is a leading authority on the use of science by environmental policy-makers. Prof. Wagners research focuses on the intersection of law and science, with particular attention to environmental policy.

Melissa F Wasserman
Associate Dean for Research, School of Law
+1 512 471 8079

Heather K Way
Clinical Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1210
Expertise: Issues related to affordable housing, community development, social equity, and transit-oriented development.

Jay L Westbrook
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1303
Expertise: Bankruptcy; international business litigation and arbitration; commercial law especially Article 9; secured credit

Abraham L Wickelgren
Professor and Bernard J. Ward Professor in Law, School of Law
+1 512 232 1904
Expertise: Antitrust law, antitrust economics, contracts, and law and economics