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Search results for "finance"


Rosental Alves

Rosental Alves

Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 6851

Expertise: journalist; foreign correspondent; international reporting; journalism in Latin America; online journalism

Ben Bentzin

Ben Bentzin

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Marketing, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 750 9253

Expertise: Marketing of technology, product marketing, strategic pricing, social media, entrepreneurship

Leigh B Boske

Leigh B Boske

Professor Emeritus, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs

Expertise: Dr. Boske's teaching and research interests have focused on transportation policy, economics and finance. His published research has been on national and international transport policy issues, the role of transportation and logistics in international trade, and multimodal/intermodal transport planning.

John C Butler

John C Butler

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 232 6821

Expertise: Dr. Butler's research focuses on the Decision Sciences: decision analysis, operations, information systems, management science and statistics. He serves as Secretary/Treasurer of INFORMS Decision Analysis Society, an organization comprised of over 900 academics and practitioners in the field of decision analysis. For EMIC, Dr. Butler is focused on building energy-specific business curriculum. He teaches MBA-level energy finance classes and supervises student participation in practicums and case competitions.

Marika  Cabral

Marika Cabral

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Economics; health-related economics; health insurance; insurance; taxation; privatization of health markets

Debra  Cantu

Debra Cantu

Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 471 6137

Expertise: Leadership Development *Develops PK-12 school leaders. Designs and coordinates learning objectives, knowledge development, and effective practices for graduate students to apply theory into practice in their internship based on the following learning outcomes: *Develop Capacity for Teaching and Learning Excellence *Advocate for and Ensuring Support Systems for All *Build Executive Leaders to Promote Ethical Policies and Practices *Partner Authentically with Families and Communities Curriculum and School Improvement *Leads and develops curriculum content, scope and sequence, standards alignment and performance assessments for higher education and school district curriculum. *Diagnose problems and challenges using school data, research and planning, implementation and progress monitoring and reflection. Improvement Science - Strategic Planning *Identify the Problem *Analyze the Problem and Diagnose Its Causes *Develop a Theory of Action *Design the Strategy *Plan for Implementation *Implement the Strategy *Assess Progress *Adapt and Modify for Continuous Improvement Certification *Leads the program in design and practices required by Texas Education Agency for admissions, clinical experiences and certification. School District Partnerships *Building an Effective Partnership *Co-designing curriculum *Collaboration and Planning *Implementation and Progress Monitoring Executive Coaching *Design *Implementation *Strategic Planning *Progress Monitoring

Julia L Coronado

Julia L Coronado

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business

Expertise: Julia Coronado is a clinical associate professor of finance at the McCombs School of Business and associate director for the school's real estate center. The Texas Real Estate Center aims to facilitate cutting-edge research in finance, real estate, law, design, and planning, and to allow students to connect and learn from industry professionals. Before joining McCombs faculty, Coronado worked for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., contributing to the Federal Open Market Committee forecasts for eight years. Coronado is also president and co-founder of MacroPolicy Perspectives LLC, which leverages the expertise of former Federal Reserve and Treasury senior officials who understand how economic and financial developments impact policy decisions. Coronado has researched and published several papers on pension finances and market valuations, social security, retirement saving adequacy and behavior, the frontier of private and public data collection, and monetary policy.

Mechele  Dickerson

Mechele Dickerson

Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1311

Expertise: Consumer debt, U.S. housing crisis, income and wealth inequality, student loans, remedies

William L Fisher

William L Fisher

Professor and Leonidas T. Barrow Centennial Chair Emeritus in Mineral Resources, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Expertise: Basin analysis, sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, petroleum geology, resource assessment, energy policy

Daniel G Fridman

Daniel G Fridman

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Economic Sociology; Ethnography; Sociology of Finance; Neoliberalism; Consumption; Sociology of Money; Latin America

James K Galbraith

James K Galbraith

Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 1244

Expertise: Macroeconomic policy; monetary policy, economic development policies; comparative economic policy; economic inequality

Michael H Granof

Michael H Granof

Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Department of Accounting, Red McCombs School of Business

Expertise: Governmental and nonprofit accounting and finance, financial accounting and reporting, auditing

Sherri R Greenberg

Sherri R Greenberg

Professor of Practice, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 8324, +1 512 656 6592

Expertise: A member of the Texas House of Representatives from 1991-2001, Greenberg?s areas of expertise include state and local government, public finance and budgeting, education, health care, transportation, and campaigns and elections in the state of Texas.

Henry T Hu

Henry T Hu

Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1373

Expertise: Law and economics of corporate and international finance; swaps; derivatives; securities; banking; corporate governance; hedge funds; mutual funds; new financial products and financial innovation; corporate hedging; investment and risk management; business, economics & labor

Junfeng  Jiao

Junfeng Jiao

Associate Professor, School of Architecture

Expertise: Smart communities and built environments; Transit and food access; Active travel; Shared mobility

Stuart Kelban

Stuart Kelban

Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 232 6037

Expertise: screenwriting; television; film industry

Ken-Hou  Lin

Ken-Hou Lin

Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 9412

Expertise: Inequality, Economy and Society, Finance, Organization, Race, and Methods

Angela K Littwin

Angela K Littwin

Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 5561

Expertise: Bankruptcy; consumer credit especially credit cards; secured credit

James A Nolen

James A Nolen

Associate Director of Hicks, Muse, Tate and Furst Center for Private Equity, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 232 6834, +1 512 471 4368

Expertise: Corporate finance, entrepreneurship, mergers & acquisitions

Pedro  Reyes

Pedro Reyes

Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 475 8569
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: I study student success for children experiencing poverty. I analyze how school leadership and state policy facilitate student success across the education pipeline.

Ehud I Ronn

Ehud I Ronn

Professor, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 471 5853

Expertise: Dr. Ronn's research is primarily in the area of energy risk: modeling, measurement and management. He has published articles on banking, investments, interest rate-sensitive instruments, and energy derivatives in academic and practitioner literature. In the energy-consulting area, Dr. Ronn has addressed the multiple issues of Risk Assessment; Construction of Optimal Hedge Portfolios; VAR and CVAR; Dual-Fuel Options; Valuation of Load-Following Services; Modeling Energy Prices and Pricing Monthly and Daily Options; and the Valuation and Optimal Management of Storage Facility.

William G Spelman

William G Spelman

Professor Emeritus, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs

Expertise: Urban policy and management; urban politics; criminal justice policy; prisons; municipal policing; community crime prevention

James C Spindler

James C Spindler

Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1096

Expertise: Securities regulation, corporate law, corporate finance, securities disclosure, corporate fraud, corporate governance, executive compensation, securitizations, and auction rate securities

Sheridan  Titman

Sheridan Titman

Director, Energy Management and Innovation Center, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 232 2787

Expertise: Corporate finance, energy, finance, real estate and investments, business, economics & labor, environment & earth science

Philip U Treisman

Philip U Treisman

Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2271, +1 512 471 6190

Expertise: Education Policy; mathematics education; economics of education; educational equity; education program design and evaluation volunteerism

Scott  Wallace

Scott Wallace

High Value Healthcare Specialist, Department of Pediatrics, Dell Medical School
+1 512 495 5127, +1 708 267 6564

Expertise: value-based health care delivery, Experience Group research tool, health IT, chronic care models, outcomes measurement, innovation and financing issues in health care, policy

David C Warner

David C Warner

Professor Emeritus, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs

Expertise: Health policy; health finance; diabetes costs; border health; health insurance; mental health policy; Mexican health system; business, economics & labor.

Rachel  Wellhausen

Rachel Wellhausen

Associate Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7202

Expertise: International political economy, politics of multinational corporations, international investment and trade treaties, Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), sovereign debt, politics of science and technology, Native American economic development

Rachel S White

Rachel S White

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education

Expertise: Examines issue of power and voice in education policy making and implementation processes, with a focus on public school district superintendents and school boards.