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Search results for "language"


David I Beaver

David I Beaver

Professor, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Political language, Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Language and law, Meaning, Semantics, Pragmatics, Language and society, Philosophy of language. political language. propaganda.

Mary Beltran

Mary Beltran

Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 0021, +1 608 320 9041

Expertise: U.S. Latina/o media studies; U.S. television and film history; mixed race and media culture; feminist media studies.

Douglas G Biow

Douglas G Biow

Professor, Department of French and Italian, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 7267

Expertise: cultural, literary, art, medical, diplomatic, and intellectual history of Renaissance Italy; masculinities; the history of individualism

Carl S Blyth

Carl S Blyth

Associate Professor, Department of French and Italian, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 2312, +1 512 471 5531

Expertise: Applied linguistics (instructional technology, corpus linguistics, pedagogical grammar); French sociolinguistics (style, stance and interaction); Discourse studies (narrative analysis, cultural scripts, indexicality)

Courtney T Byrd

Courtney T Byrd

Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 232 9426

Expertise: Communication disorder; causes and therapies of childhood stuttering; adulthood stuttering; linguistic processing; motor planning; fluency disorders; voice disorders; speech disfluencies; speech-language contributions to childhood stuttering; innovative treatment; bilingualism and multiculturalism in speech-language pathology; accessible clinical training tools

Julia  Campbell

Julia Campbell

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Central auditory and visual processing in children and adults. Cortical plasticity, or the ability of the brain to adapt to incoming information.

Stephanie W Cawthon

Stephanie W Cawthon

Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0378

Expertise: Investigates issues of access and equity for disabled people, with a special focus on systems change, research translation, and assessment.

Swarat  Chaudhuri

Swarat Chaudhuri

Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences

Expertise: artificial intelligence, AI, formal methods, safe autonomous systems, trustworthy machine learning, automated reasoning, programming languages, compilers, program synthesis

Tanya E Clement

Tanya E Clement

Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Archives, Digital Humanities, American Literary Modernism, Textual Studies, Sound Studies, Scholarly Information Infrastructure, Humanities Data Curation, Anne Sexton, HiPSTAS (High Performance Sound Technologies for Access and Scholarship)

North Cooc

North Cooc

Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 7923

Expertise: Explores how family background, culture, and school contextual factors influence decisions and trajectories within special education.

Paul  Edgar

Paul Edgar

Associate Director, Clements Center for National Security

Expertise: Paul Edgar is the Interim Executive Director of the William P. Clements, Jr. Center for National Security at the University of Texas-Austin. He holds a PhD in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures from the University of Texas and studies the historical origins of diplomacy, war, and strategy in pre-classical antiquity. Before entering academia, Paul served more than 22 years as an infantry officer in the U.S. Army. He deployed to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom I as the security advisor to Vice Admiral (Ret.) John Scott Redd in the Coalition Provisional Authority. Paul returned to Iraq during the 2006-2007 surge, and then deployed to Afghanistan in 2008-2009 for counterinsurgency and combat operations. Subsequently, he served as the executive assistant to the commander of the Kingdom of Jordan’s Special Operations Command; the battalion commander of 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry in The Old Guard; and as the political advisor for Israeli affairs to the United States Security Coordinator in Jerusalem.

Mattan  Erez

Mattan Erez

Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 471 7846

Expertise: Computer architecture; High-performance computing; Programming languages and models

Marina  Fontolan

Marina Fontolan

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Videogame localization, game studies, De- and postcolonial game studies, history of games and gaming, and science and technology studies

Maria E Franquiz

Maria E Franquiz

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Examines ethnographic language and literacy practices in K-12 classrooms, specifically focusing on how Latinx critical race theory explains the relationship between heritage language and culture and the evolving identities of future teachers.

Shernaz B Garcia

Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Bilingual special education; multicultural issues in special education; education of students who are at educational risk; prereferral intervention

Thomas Jesús Garza

Thomas Jesús Garza

Associate Professor, Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 9126, +1 512 471 3607
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Russian language teaching methodology; Critical pedagogies in World Languages; Applied linguistics; Contemporary Russian culture; Russian popular culture; Contemporary Russian media; Masculinity Studies; Mexican/Latino masculinities; DEAIB

Andreas  Gerstlauer

Andreas Gerstlauer

Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 232 8294, +1 949 413 3250

Expertise: Embedded system design; Electronic system-level (ESL) design automation, modeling, languages, methodologies and tools; Embedded hardware and software synthesis

Stephanie Grasso

Stephanie Grasso

Assistant Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Speech-language pathology, bilingualism and aphasia, neurologically-based communication disorders

Kenneth F Greene

Kenneth F Greene

Associate Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7206

Expertise: Mexican and Latin American politics; political parties and elections in Mexico and the rest of Latin America; authoritarianism and democratization; research method; campaigns

Liberty  Hamilton

Liberty Hamilton

Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1929

Ian F Hancock

Ian F Hancock

Professor Emeritus, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Romani (Gypsy) language (origins, history, civil rights movement); creolization of language; English (dialects, history, spread overseas), language and identity

Roderick Hart

Roderick Hart

Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1956

Expertise: media and politics; civic participation; political campaigns; presidential rhetoric

Kelsey  Hatton

Kelsey Hatton

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 2015

Maya Henry

Maya Henry

Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: nature and treatment of aphasia

Lars Hinrichs

Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8755

John M Hoberman

John M Hoberman

Professor, Department of Germanic Studies, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 6368

Expertise: European cultural and intellectual history with special interests in Sportwissenschaft and the history of ideas about race; Scandinavian studies; Norwegian language instruction; history of Jewish racial folklore; Olympics; Sports doping; race relations

Alexander  Huth

Alexander Huth

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences

Expertise: artificial intelligence; AI; decoding words from thoughts; machine learning; natural language processing; large language models; generative AI; understanding how the brain processes language and represents meaning

Syed A Hyder

Syed A Hyder

Director, South Asia Institute, Department of Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Islam in South Asia, Urdu language and literature, Aesthetics in South Asian and the Middle East

Noah  Isenberg

Noah Isenberg

Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 6680, +1 917 689 6453

Expertise: media studies; industry/history/criticism; identity and representation; classical Hollywood; independent cinema; Weimar cinema; Émigrés in Hollywood

John L Ivy

John L Ivy

Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education

Expertise: Exercise physiology; carbohydrate metabolism; ergogenic aids; exercise and diabetes; nutrition and exercise

Sharon Jarvis

Sharon Jarvis

Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1961, +1 512 471 5251

Expertise: political persuasion, communication, research methods

Corinne Jones

Corinne Jones

Assistant Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: motor control and motor learning of swallowing behaviors; neuromodulatory approaches to dysphagia; pharyngeal high-resolution manometry; swallowing; swallowing disorders (dysphagia); swallowing evaluation and rehabilitation; Parkinson’s disease; Multiple sclerosis

Manuel J Justiz

Manuel J Justiz

Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 1695

Expertise: Bringing the experience of 28 years as dean of the College of Education, Justiz shares his expertise in topics of public policy, the politics of education, and providing equal access for minorities in education.

Ward W Keeler

Ward W Keeler

Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8520

Expertise: Anthropology and expressive culture (performing arts and literature); hierarchy; gender; Buddhism; Indonesia and Burma, including the Rohingya crisis

Stuart Kelban

Stuart Kelban

Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 232 6037

Expertise: screenwriting; television; film industry

Deborah C Kelt

Deborah C Kelt

Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Brings her experience in literacy education to UT with a specialization in preparing secondary teachers to work in urban schools.

Sarfraz  Khurshid

Sarfraz Khurshid

Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 471 8244

Expertise: Software testing; Specification languages; Code conformance; Model checking; Heuristics in program analysis; Data structure repair; Program repair

Su Yeong  Kim

Su Yeong Kim

Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5524, +1 512 475 6014

Expertise: Development of children of immigrants in the United States, with a focus on children of Chinese and Mexican origin; parenting; parent-child relationships

Rajinder  Koul

Rajinder Koul

Department Chair, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Understanding the symbol, referent, and instructional variables that influence graphic symbol learning in people with severe communication impairments as a consequence of developmental or acquired disabilities.

Shanti  Kumar

Shanti Kumar

Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 232 3498

Expertise: Global media; cultural studies

Matthew A Lease

Professor, School of Information
+1 512 471 9350

Expertise: Lease is a professor in the School of Information. He researches artificial intelligence combined with human-computer interaction techniques in crowdsourcing and human computation, information retrieval, and natural language processing fields. He is also a faculty founder and leader of UT Austin's Good Systems, an eight-year, university-wide "moonshot" Grand Challenge to design responsible AI technologies. As part of Good Systems, Lease leads a six-year, seven-member faculty project that focuses on developing explainable AI techniques to combat disinformation. One of Lease's ongoing projects is content moderation, which involves using automated, human-in-the-loop, and human-safe practices to curb online disinformation, hate speech, and polarization.

Jihye  Lee

Jihye Lee

Assistant Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Computational inequality, AI, government, public benefits, advertising, financial constraints, digital inequality, media psychology

Rosemary Lester-Smith

Rosemary Lester-Smith

Assistant Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 2690

Expertise: Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders; vocal tremor; voice therapy, neurological voice disorders

Brian P Levack

Brian P Levack

Professor and John E. Green Regents Professorship in History; Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: The history of the law and the interaction between law and politics, witchcraft

Jessy  Li

Jessy Li

Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, text analysis, language and society, linguistics, large language models, chatgpt

Min  Liu

Min Liu

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 6248, +1 512 471 5942

Expertise: Areas of expertise include designing and developing immersive, media-rich environments for learners at all age levels and research the effects of them using mixed-methods; studying the effect of other emerging technologies on learning and motivation; focusing on problem-based learning, project-based learning, and game-based learning pedagogical approaches; learning analytics in serious games and other online environments, and understanding MOOCs as an emerging online learning tool.

Amy H Liu

Amy H Liu

Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7249

Expertise: Ethnic politics, language policies, migration politics, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe

Josephine  Lukito

Josephine Lukito

Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Intersection of computational sociolinguistics and global political communication; power and the role of systems in societies, especially political and economic systems; AI

Alison  Maggart

Alison Maggart

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts

Expertise: western art music of the United States, academic music, serialism/formalism, Cold War culture, New Age, sound and meditation

Vijay  Mahajan

Vijay Mahajan

Professor, Department of Marketing, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 471 0840, +1 512 471 1128

Expertise: Product diffusion; marketing strategy; marketing research methodologies; business.

Beth Maloch

Beth Maloch

Senior Associate Dean, College of Education
+1 512 471 3476

Expertise: Examines literacy teacher preparation, specifically the role of coaching and mentoring that occurs inside programs.

Matthew S McGlone

Matthew S McGlone

Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1920

Expertise: Cognition, persuasion and prejudice in interpersonal communication, stereotypes and stereotype threats, spatial performance, identity and sex differences. Social influence, persuasion and deception and the key role of language

Richard P Meier

Richard P Meier

Professor, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 1701, +1 512 471 9031

Expertise: Child language development; sign languages; American Sign Language; acquisition of American Sign language by deaf children

Roselia  Mendez Murillo

Roselia Mendez Murillo

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: conducting qualitative work; particularly conducting interviews with Latina/o/x/e families; stress, resilience, thriving of Latinx families within the context of language brokering; undocumented status; living separated due to migration reasons

Risto P Miikkulainen

Risto P Miikkulainen

Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 7316, +1 512 471 9571

Expertise: artificial intelligence, neural networks, natural language processing, computer vision, evolutionary intelligence, neuroevolution, bioinformatics, computational biology, machine learning, cognitive science, computational neuroscience

Mohammad A Mohammad

Mohammad A Mohammad

Associate Professor, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 6650

Expertise: Linguistics and the Arabic language

Raymond J Mooney

Raymond J Mooney

Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 7316, +1 512 471 9558

Expertise: artificial intelligence, bioinformatics and computational biology, machine learning, natural language processing

Chandra L Muller

Chandra L Muller

Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8377

Expertise: The effects of family, community, education policy and health behaviors on education and the transition to adulthood; STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) preparation and careers

Mark F O'Reilly

Mark F O'Reilly

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Assesses and supports individuals with intellectual disabilities and develops social skill/communication interventions for children with ASD.

Nik  Palomares

Nik Palomares

Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Mental health; how communication effects psychological wellbeing; cyberbullying; how people respond to fact-checking of information and misinformation online

Amy  Pavel

Amy Pavel

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences

Expertise: artificial intelligence, graphics and visualization, human-computer interaction, natural language processing, human-AI interaction, accessibility, video & augmented reality/virtual reality, machine learning

Jorge Perez Perez

Jorge Perez Perez

Department Chair, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 4549
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: 20th and 21st century Spanish cinema, novel, and popular culture; queer culture and theory; Latin American cinema; fashion; costume design; Pedro Almodovar; Penelope Cruz; celebrity culture; Chanel

Sarah R Powell

Sarah R Powell

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6556

Expertise: Develops and tests interventions for students with mathematics difficulties, emphasizing word-problem solving, mathematics writing, data-based decision making, and the vocabulary within mathematics.

Dalpat S Rajpurohit

Dalpat S Rajpurohit

Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Hindi Language; Literary and Religious Cultures of Early Modern India; D?d? Panth and Poet-Saint Sundard?s (1596-1689); Modern Hindi Literature; Dalit autobiographies; devotional, monastic, and court cultures of early modern India

Pedro  Reyes

Pedro Reyes

Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 475 8569
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: I study student success for children experiencing poverty. I analyze how school leadership and state policy facilitate student success across the education pipeline.

Heather R Rice

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies, College of Liberal Arts

Elizabeth  Richmond-Garza

Elizabeth Richmond-Garza

Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 5708, +1 512 471 4991

Expertise: Modern European drama; Oscar Wilde; the Gothic, Orientalism; Decadence; detective fiction; aesthetic and literary theory; literature and the fine arts.

Haydee M Rodriguez

Haydee M Rodriguez

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 5750, +1 512 471 5942

Expertise: Prepares students to become educators in bilingual and ESL education and mentors novice bilingual educators.

Erin M Rodriguez

Erin M Rodriguez

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0283
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Dr. Erin Rodríguez studies family, sociocultural, and contextual influences on children’s development and health outcomes, with a focus on understanding and reducing health disparities affecting low-SES Latinx youth.

Nancy L Roser

Nancy L Roser

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Use of children's literature in literacy programs, Classroom discourse; response to literature

Cinthia S Salinas

Cinthia S Salinas

Ruben E. Hinojosa Regents Professor in Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 3539

Expertise: Dr. Salinas is a member of the Social Studies Education program area and is an affiliate faculty member in the Bilingual/Bicultural and the Cultural Studies in Education program areas. Her focus in the social studies includes critical historical inquiry in elementary bilingual and secondary education late arrival immigrant ESL classroom settings, as well as broader understandings of citizenship. Her work also examines social studies teachers' enactment/countering of curriculum through narratives that include civic identities, agency, and membership of others.

Wayne  Schiess

Wayne Schiess

Senior Lecturer, School of Law
+1 512 232 1333

Expertise: Legal writing; legal research; drafting; plain language

Mary Beth Schmitt  Schmitt

Mary Beth Schmitt Schmitt

Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Language and literacy outcomes for children with developmental language disorders, including the effects of behavior regulation, optimal treatment intensity and peers

Gautami H Shah

Professor of Instruction, Department of Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 6033

Allison  Skerrett

Allison Skerrett

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 4883

Expertise: Focuses on secondary English and literacy education in urban contexts, including among transnational youth.

Spencer  Smith

Spencer Smith

Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Speech perception in noise; neural processes from inner ear to cortex

Stacey K Sowards

Stacey K Sowards

Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: racial, gendered, language, and classed politics of marginalization; standing in various communities, states, and nations; Latina/o/x communities in the United States and South America.

Jurgen Streeck

Jurgen Streeck

Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1955

Expertise: Human interaction in everyday life; language and the body

Elizabeth  Swanson

Elizabeth Swanson

Research Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 2320

Expertise: All of my work focuses on developing and testing for efficacy literacy practices for struggling readers. This includes: * infusing literacy practices into elementary and middle school content area classes; * empowering parents to provide reading support to their own children; * providing intervention to struggling readers; * translating research to practice for teachers; * designing effective professional development; * translating research into usable products for parents.

Jessica R Toste

Jessica R Toste

Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6551

Expertise: Focuses on effective interventions for students with and at-risk for reading disabilities, with a focus on intensifying intervention through data-based instruction and attention to motivational processes

Angela  Valenzuela

Angela Valenzuela

Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 6008
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Specializes in urban education from a sociological and multicultural perspective, with a focus on minority youth in schools, particularly at the K-12 level.

Sharon  Vaughn

Sharon Vaughn

Executive Director, Meadows and VGC, College of Education
+1 512 423 8207

Expertise: Investigates effective interventions for a diverse group of students with reading difficulties and students who are English language learners.

Jun  Wang

Jun Wang

Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: assistive speech technologies; neurogenic motor speech disorders; speech brain-computer interfaces

Melissa Wetzel

Melissa Wetzel

Department Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Literacy teacher preparation, coaching and mentoring, equity and justice in literacy instruction

Sarah J Whitehead

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Foreign Language Pedagogy, Curriculum Design, Concept-Based Language Instruction, Epistemology, Conversation Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Ecology Theory, Critical Theory, Spanish Language

Anthony C Woodbury

Anthony C Woodbury

Professor, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 1701

Expertise: Chatino linguistics and language preservation, Documentation and preservation of endangered languages, Eskimo-Aleut languages and speech communities, Natural discourse and verbal art, Tone, prosody and intonation, Grammatical analysis and theory