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Search results for "american presidency"

Bethany L Albertson
Associate Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7276
Expertise: Bethany Albertson is an Associate Professor in the Government Department at UT Austin. She received her PhD in political science and a graduate certificate in social psychology from the University of Chicago. She is a political psychologist and her research interests include American public opinion, emotion, and experimental methods. She researches and writes on elections, democratic norms, and campaigns.

Kamran Ali
Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3550, +1 512 471 4206, +1 512 471 7531
Expertise: Gender; health; development; labor history; political movements (including Islamic groups); Political Economy; post-colonialism; urban social histories, popular culture; historiography; memory; liberalism; Middle East; South Asia

Mark B Baker
Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Red McCombs School of Business
Expertise: Multinational corporate law; international trade law; legal aspects of terrorism; international law; business.

Henry W Brands
Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3261
Expertise: U.S. history; American presidents; Franklin Roosevelt; Andrew Jackson; Woodrow Wilson; Benjamin Franklin; the Cold War.

Chris Brownson
Clinical Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 475 6990
Expertise: Research interests include mental health public policy, college student mental health and suicide prevention, collaborative care models of behavioral health in primary care, and the intersection of mental health and academic success.

Erika M Bsumek
Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3261, +1 512 475 7253
Expertise: Native American History; Navajo arts and crafts; labeling of Indian made goods; history of the U.S. West and American Southwest; Modern Western urban/rural development including how large-scale engineering projects such dams, highways, and suburbs transformed the Western landscape/environment; transportation; urban management, environmental history, digital history, educational technology.
Water politics in the West, the history of Glen Canyon Dam, and Climate change.

Charlotte Canning
Professor, Department of Theatre and Dance, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 471 5793
Expertise: US theatre history, Broadway, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, historiography, feminist theatre, theatre and American society, historical entertainment industry.

Wenhong Chen
Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: digital media; global media; entrepreneurship; social capital; social networks; China; US-China relation

Robert L Crosnoe
Senior Associate Dean for Research, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8329
Expertise: Life Course & Human Development, Children & Youth, Education, Health, Family, Immigration, Adolescents.

Ian W Dalziel
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 0431, +1 512 471 6156
Expertise: Tectonics, geodynamics, geography of ancient times, plate reconstructions, structural geology
Andrea DeLong-Amaya
Director of Horticulture, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, School of Architecture
+1 512 232 0114
Expertise: Native plants; horticulture; garden design

Edwin Dorn
Professor Emeritus, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
Expertise: International affairs; national security/ defense policy; human resources policy (especially military personnel); civil rights/ race relations; policy making (especially the executive branch); federal education policy; African politics, business

Toni Falbo
Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0603, +1 512 471 8020
Expertise: Falbo uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address problems in education and health. She is an internationally recognized expert on only children, including their academic, social, emotional, and health outcomes. Falbo is also an expert on conducting cross-cultural research and research aimed at improving the education of ethnic minorities in the U.S.

William L Fisher
Professor and Leonidas T. Barrow Centennial Chair Emeritus in Mineral Resources, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
Expertise: Basin analysis, sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, petroleum geology, resource assessment, energy policy

Wallace T Fowler
Professor and Paul D.& Betty Robertson Meek Centennial Professorship in Engineering & Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering
Expertise: Spacecraft and Mission Design; Aircraft Design; Vehicle Modeling; Lunar and Planetary Exploration Systems; Multimedia Engineering Education

David W Fowler
Professor and T.U. Taylor Professorship in Engineering; Joe J. King Chair of Engineering No. 2; Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
Expertise: Polymer-concrete materials; Structural building systems in wood and reinforced concrete; Concrete aggregates

Charles Fraser
Department Chair, Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Pediatrics, Dell Medical School

Caroline Frick
Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: film/media preservation; digital libraries; media history; moving image archiving; online streaming platforms

James K Galbraith
Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 1244
Expertise: Macroeconomic policy; monetary policy, economic development policies; comparative economic policy; economic inequality

Thomas Jesús Garza
Associate Professor, Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 9126, +1 512 471 3607
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Russian language teaching methodology; Critical pedagogies in World Languages; Applied linguistics; Contemporary Russian culture; Russian popular culture; Contemporary Russian media; Masculinity Studies; Mexican/Latino masculinities; DEAIB

Jennifer Glass
Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8355
Expertise: Work and family issues, telecommuting and new labor practices, STEM labor force retention

Mark D Hayward
Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8382
Expertise: Population and Life Course and Aging, Morbidity and Mortality, and Biodemography, Social Epidemiology, Quantitative Methods and Dynamic Models, Life Table Techniques, Death and Dying

James O Jirsa
Professor and Janet S. Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
Expertise: Design and behavior of reinforced concrete structures; Earthquake engineering; Repair and rehabilitation of structures

Jerry F Junkin
Director (0379), Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 471 4093
Expertise: classical music, wind ensemble/band music, conducting, band programs

Manuel J Justiz
Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 1695
Expertise: Bringing the experience of 28 years as dean of the College of Education, Justiz shares his expertise in topics of public policy, the politics of education, and providing equal access for minorities in education.

Yeonsoo Kim
Associate Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: PR issues with actors athletes and influencers; strategic communication; corporate social responsibilty; reputation and crisis management

William Lawson
Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry
Expertise: Mental Health, Violence and Mental Illness, Racial and Ethnic Issues in Mental Health, Mental Disorders, Substance Abuse, Ethnic Disparities in Care, Access to Care, Ethnic Issues in Pharmacotherapy

Wei-Na Lee
F. J. Heyne Centennial Professor Emerita in Communication, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: advertising, education; practice; communication process; how culture influences consumer response to communication; personal factors; message design; psychological response); communicating philanthropy and corporate social responsibility (CSR); overcoming skepticism

Jonathan E Macclements
Senior Associate Dean and DIO of Graduate Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Dell Medical School
+1 512 495 5104

Richard P Meier
Professor, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 1701, +1 512 471 9031
Expertise: Child language development; sign languages; American Sign Language; acquisition of American Sign language by deaf children

Sharon Mosher
Dean Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
Expertise: Structural petrology, field-oriented structural geology, the evolution of complexly deformed terranes, strain analysis, deformation mechanisms, the interaction between chemical and physical processes during deformation

Charles B Nemeroff
The Matthew P. Nemeroff Endowed Chair, Dell Medical School

Shannon B O'Brien
Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7213
Expertise: American Politics, American Presidency, Presidential Speechmaking, eugenics, disenfranchisement

Randall M Parker
Professor Emeritus, Department of Special Education, College of Education
Expertise: Rehabilitation counseling; adjustment to disabling conditions; vocational assessment; research design and data analysis

Richard J Reddick
Senior Vice Provost and Dean of the Undergraduate College, Undergraduate College
+1 512 471 7551, +1 512 475 8587
Expertise: Examines the experiences of faculty of color at predominantly White institutions; mentoring relationships between faculty and Black students; and work-life balance in academia.

Pedro Reyes
Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 475 8569
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: I study student success for children experiencing poverty. I analyze how school leadership and state policy facilitate student success across the education pipeline.

Daron R Shaw
Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7275
Expertise: Daron Shaw is a Distinguished Teaching Professor and Frank C. Erwin, Jr. Chair of State Politics in the College of Liberal Arts. Shaw specializes in American government, campaigns and elections, political parties, Public Opinion and Voting Behavior, and Applied Survey Research. He is the author of The Race to 270: The Electoral College and Campaign Strategies of 2000 and 2004, Unconventional Wisdom: Facts and Myths about American Voters, The Turnout Myth, The Appearance of Corruption and Battleground: Electoral College Strategies, Execution, and Impact in the Modern Era. In addition to his academic career, Shaw was a strategist in the 1992, 2000 and 2004 presidential election campaigns. He is currently co-director of the Fox News Poll, director of the Texas Lyceum Poll, and associate Principle Investigator for the 2024 American National Election Study. He is also a member of the decision team for Fox News, the advisory board for the MIT Election Data & Science Lab, and the advisory board for the Annette Strauss Institute. Formerly, he served as President George W. Bushs representative on the National Historical Publications and Records Commission and as one of the academic directors for President Barack Obamas Commission for Election Administration.

Janet Staiger
Professor Emeritus, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Theoretician and historian of American film and television

Pauline T Strong
Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 3555, +1 512 471 4206, +1 512 471 8524
Expertise: Cultural, historical, feminist anthropology; Identity and difference; Politics of representation; Public culture; Youth organizations; Museum studies; Public humanities; Medical humanities; US, Indigenous North America.

Jeremi Suri
Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 475 7242
Expertise: Jeremi Suri holds the Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs. He is a professor in the Department of History in the College of Liberal Arts and the LBJ School of Public Affairs.
Professor Suri is the author and editor of eleven books on politics and foreign policy, most recently Civil War By Other Means: America's Long and Unfinished Fight for Democracy. He's published in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal,, Atlantic, Newsweek, Time, Wired, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and other media. Professor Suri hosts a weekly podcast, "This is Democracy." Suri's main research interests are the formation and spread of nation-states, modern international relations, the relationship between foreign policy and domestic politics, and the rise of knowledge institutions as global actors.

Katie Tackett
Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6566

Robert L Talbert
Professor Emeritus, College of Pharmacy
Expertise: Cardiovascular therapeutics, stroke prevention and treatment, clinical trial design and evaluation, lipid disorders

Lisa B Thompson
Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 4656
Expertise: African American Literature, Film, Cultural Studies, Black Feminist Theory, Contemporary Black Theatre and Performance

Janice (Jan) S Todd
Department Chair, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 0993, +1 512 471 0995
Expertise: Specializes in the history of strength and conditioning, doping, women and sport, and history of physical culture.

Philip U Treisman
Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2271, +1 512 471 6190
Expertise: Education Policy; mathematics education; economics of education; educational equity; education program design and evaluation volunteerism

Michael Webber
John J. McKetta Centennial Energy Chair, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
+1 512 475 6867
Expertise: Energy policy; Energy & Water; Alternative and renewable energy; Biofuels; Energy in Texas; Smart Grid; Power Sector

Rachel S White
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
Expertise: Examines issue of power and voice in education policy making and implementation processes, with a focus on public school district superintendents and school boards.

Carlton G Willson
Professor and Rashid Engineering Regents Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
Expertise: Polymers, materials, and processes for microelectronics; Photoresists; Liquid crystals; Computer simulation; Mass transport studies; Kinetics; Graft polymerization; Biosensor arrays; Novel processes for producing nanometer scale structures

Linda H Yoder
Professor Emeritus, School of Nursing
Expertise: Veteran-related issues, oncology, evidence-based practice, career development relationships, and health services systems