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Search results for "writing"

David E Adelman
Professor and Harry Reasoner Regents Chair in Law, School of Law
+1 512 232 0877
Expertise: David E. Adelman teaches and writes in the areas of environmental law, intellectual property law, and climate change policy. Professor Adelmans research focuses on the many interfaces between law and science. His articles have addressed such topics as the implications of emerging genomic technologies for toxics regulation, the tensions between legal and scientific evidentiary standards in regulatory decision making, and development of effective policies for promoting innovation relevant to addressing climate change.

Ari Adut
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 4284
Expertise: Comparative and Historical Sociology; Social Theory; Political Sociology; Media and the Public Sphere
Sociology of Culture; Sociology of Law; Sociology of Emotions; Western Europe; Middle East; Qualitative and Historical Methods; Sociology.

Bethany L Albertson
Associate Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7276
Expertise: Bethany Albertson is an Associate Professor in the Government Department at UT Austin. She received her PhD in political science and a graduate certificate in social psychology from the University of Chicago. She is a political psychologist and her research interests include American public opinion, emotion, and experimental methods. She researches and writes on elections, democratic norms, and campaigns.

Kevin S Alter
Professor, School of Architecture
+1 512 797 6903
Expertise: Architecture

Ronen Avraham
Senior Lecturer, School of Law
+1 512 232 1357
Expertise: Torts, Tort Reform, Healthcare Reform, Insurance Law, Law and Economics

Phillip J Barrish
Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 4991, +1 512 471 7840
Expertise: Health humanities; literature and medicine; American Literature, 1860-1930; literary realism

Kimberly A Beckwith
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 0995, +1 512 471 4890
Expertise: Teaches courses on sport history and strength and conditioning. Research focuses on physical culture history.

Mary Beltran
Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 0021, +1 608 320 9041
Expertise: U.S. Latina/o media studies; U.S. television and film history; mixed race and media culture; feminist media studies.
Joshua M Blank
Director of Research for the Texas Politics Project, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 0371
Expertise: Texas politics; campaigns and elections; public opinion; Texas public opinion

Henry W Brands
Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3261
Expertise: U.S. history; American presidents; Franklin Roosevelt; Andrew Jackson; Woodrow Wilson; Benjamin Franklin; the Cold War.

Jorge Canizares
Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 7694
Expertise: Early Modern Atlantic History; History of Science and Colonialism; History of Knowledge; Colonial Spanish and British America.

Charlotte Canning
Professor, Department of Theatre and Dance, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 471 5793
Expertise: US theatre history, Broadway, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, historiography, feminist theatre, theatre and American society, historical entertainment industry.

Eddie Chambers
Professor, Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 232 2474, +1 737 326 3023
Expertise: African Diaspora Art

Davida H Charney
Instructor - Extended Education Ventures, Extended Education Ventures
+1 512 567 3144
Expertise: Scholarly writing; public policy discourse; scientific and technical writing; proposal writing; public opinion writing; cognitive skill learning; writing processes; reading processes; rhetorical theory; college writing; Jewish studies; Hebrew Bible

Isabella Cunningham
Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1101, +1 512 471 8126
Expertise: legal and ethical aspects of advertising; media effectiveness and messaging appeals; trademarks and intellectual property; deceptive advertising; brand placement and brand equity

Katherine Dawson
Professor of Practice, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 6111
Expertise: journalism; news; television news; broadcast journalism; news production; documentary film; broadcast news writing; radio reporting; television producing

Yoav Di-Capua
Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 7259
Expertise: Modern Arab Intellectual History

Justin Dyer
Dean, School of Civic Leadership, School of Civic Leadership

John S Dzienkowski
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1367
Expertise: John Dzienkowski teaches and writes in the areas of professional responsibility of lawyers, real property, international energy transactions, and oil and gas taxation. He is widely regarded as one of the most dynamic and effective speakers on topics of professional responsibility and he has delivered almost one hundred ethics presentations to in-house corporate departments, large and small law firms, state bar continuing legal education programs, and law faculties throughout this country.

Maria E Franquiz
Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Examines ethnographic language and literacy practices in K-12 classrooms, specifically focusing on how Latinx critical race theory explains the relationship between heritage language and culture and the evolving identities of future teachers.

Alan W Friedman
Professor Emeritus, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: British and American modernism; the novel; drama, especially Shakespeare; international programs, faculty governance and academic freedom; literature

James K Galbraith
Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 1244
Expertise: Macroeconomic policy; monetary policy, economic development policies; comparative economic policy; economic inequality

Sherri R Greenberg
Professor of Practice, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 8324, +1 512 656 6592
Expertise: A member of the Texas House of Representatives from 1991-2001, Greenberg?s areas of expertise include state and local government, public finance and budgeting, education, health care, transportation, and campaigns and elections in the state of Texas.

Ian F Hancock
Professor Emeritus, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: Romani (Gypsy) language (origins, history, civil rights movement); creolization of language; English (dialects, history, spread overseas), language and identity

Justin W Hart
Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, general purpose service robots, intelligent robotics, autonomous human-robot interaction, human-computer interaction, robot self-modeling, semantic mapping

Kurt O Heinzelman
Professor Emeritus, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: British Romanticism 1750-1850; poetry and poetics; creative writing; archives and collecting; modernism and cultural economics.

James R Henson
Executive Director of Texas Politics Project, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 0090
Expertise: Texas politics; presidential elections; Internet and politics; political campaigns; Texas Politics Project

David D Heymann
Professor, School of Architecture
+1 512 232 4083
Expertise: Architecture, including buildings and landscapes, particularly natural landscapes.

Megan L Hildebrandt
Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts
Expertise: contemporary art, foundations art pedagogy, drawing, artist mothers, arts-in-healthcare, community-based art practices

Jo Hsu
Associate Professor, Department of Rhetoric and Writing, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 6109
Expertise: Rhetoric & Structures of Power; Narrative Rhetorics; Asian American Rhetorics; Trans and Queer Studies; Disability Studies; Rhetorics of Health and Medicine

Henry T Hu
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1373
Expertise: Law and economics of corporate and international finance; swaps; derivatives; securities; banking; corporate governance; hedge funds; mutual funds; new financial products and financial innovation; corporate hedging; investment and risk management; business, economics & labor

David C Hunter
Librarian Emeritus, UT Libraries
Expertise: Music information; George Frideric Handel

Coleman Hutchison
Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8372
Expertise: U.S. literature and culture to 1900; poetry; print culture; the U.S. south; the American Civil War

Noah Isenberg
Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 6680, +1 917 689 6453
Expertise: media studies; industry/history/criticism; identity and representation; classical Hollywood; independent cinema; Weimar cinema; Émigrés in Hollywood

Nathan M Jensen
Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: Relationship between multinational corporations and domestic governments; politics of natural resources; political economy of international institutions; diffusion of policy across borders; business corruption; civil war

David Junker
Professor of Instruction, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 9466
Expertise: Public relations and strategic communications; Black Music and the media; race relations; and popular music.

Stuart Kelban
Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 232 6037
Expertise: screenwriting; television; film industry

Deborah C Kelt
Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
Expertise: Brings her experience in literacy education to UT with a specialization in preparing secondary teachers to work in urban schools.

Prabhudev C Konana
Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Red McCombs School of Business
Expertise: Global sourcing, supply chain management, electronic commerce, virtual communities

Dorothy D Lambdin
Clinical Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
Expertise: Elementary physical education; teachers'''' careers; assessment in physical education; teachers'''' goals and intents

Roberto Martin-Martin
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, robotics, computer vision, machine learning, perception

Alberto A Martinez
Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: History of science and math, Einstein, historical myths in science, notions of race, political news media.

Cynthia Mccreery
Department Chair, Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 0013
Expertise: Screenwriting

Linda S Mullenix
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1375
Expertise: Mass tort litigation; class action litigation; federal civil procedure; federal courts; professional responsibility

Marcelo Paixao
Associate Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Race relations and inequalities in Brazil and Latin American; public policies issues and monitoring; models of socioeconomic development; labor market; statistics of race, ethnic, and gender inequality

Nik Palomares
Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Mental health; how communication effects psychological wellbeing; cyberbullying; how people respond to fact-checking of information and misinformation online

Amy Pavel
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, graphics and visualization, human-computer interaction, natural language processing, human-AI interaction, accessibility, video & augmented reality/virtual reality, machine learning

Samantha Pinto
Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3434
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Feminist, gender, and sexuality theory; African American and African diaspora literature, culture, and theory; postcolonial literature; aesthetics; celebrity; black studies; and divorce.

Sarah R Powell
Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6556
Expertise: Develops and tests interventions for students with mathematics difficulties, emphasizing word-problem solving, mathematics writing, data-based decision making, and the vocabulary within mathematics.

PJ Raval
Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 4071
Expertise: filmmaker; subcultures and identities

Richard J Reddick
Senior Vice Provost and Dean of the Undergraduate College, Undergraduate College
+1 512 471 7551, +1 512 475 8587
Expertise: Examines the experiences of faculty of color at predominantly White institutions; mentoring relationships between faculty and Black students; and work-life balance in academia.

Pedro Reyes
Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 475 8569
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: I study student success for children experiencing poverty. I analyze how school leadership and state policy facilitate student success across the education pipeline.

Elizabeth Richmond-Garza
Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 5708, +1 512 471 4991
Expertise: Modern European drama; Oscar Wilde; the Gothic, Orientalism; Decadence; detective fiction; aesthetic and literary theory; literature and the fine arts.

Joel D Rollins
Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1918
Expertise: Dr. Rollins is a senior lecturer in the Moody College of Communication in the Department of Communication Studies. He teaches courses in the undergraduate level which focus on argumentation theory and practice and the way in which rhetorical movements affect social change. His current research projects include investigating the role of rhetoric in pedagogy as well as writing a textbook for high school debaters.

Nancy L Roser
Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
Expertise: Use of children's literature in literacy programs, Classroom discourse; response to literature

Cinthia S Salinas
Ruben E. Hinojosa Regents Professor in Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 3539
Expertise: Dr. Salinas is a member of the Social Studies Education program area and is an affiliate faculty member in the Bilingual/Bicultural and the Cultural Studies in Education program areas. Her focus in the social studies includes critical historical inquiry in elementary bilingual and secondary education late arrival immigrant ESL classroom settings, as well as broader understandings of citizenship. Her work also examines social studies teachers' enactment/countering of curriculum through narratives that include civic identities, agency, and membership of others.

Victor Sampson
Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 7504
Expertise: Studies the ways culturally and linguistically diverse groups of people use disciplinary the core ideas and practices of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to explain phenomena or to solve problems that are meaningful and consequential to them.

Elizabeth Scala
Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8375
Expertise: Chaucer; the history of Chaucer studies; the textual environments of medieval literature; Medieval Literature; Medieval Romance; Bibliography and Textual Studies; Literary Theory; Women, Gender, and Literature; Food Writing; Taylor Swift

Wayne Schiess
Senior Lecturer, School of Law
+1 512 232 1333
Expertise: Legal writing; legal research; drafting; plain language

Harel Shapira
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 8075
Expertise: Right wing politics, gun owners, notion of self-defense, group identity

Richard Shiff
Professor, Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 471 7547, +1 512 471 7757
Expertise: History of art, 19th and 20th centuries and contemporary, art theory, criticism

Michael Sierra-Arévalo
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: Police; policing; gangs; gun violence; violence prevention

Ya'Ke Smith
Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: social cinema; independent cinema; storytelling; television writing and directing; directing actors

Janet Staiger
Professor Emeritus, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Theoretician and historian of American film and television

Audrey J Stone
Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 6016, +1 512 471 8589
Expertise: Autonomic control of circulation during exercise in health and disease, specifically in type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Joseph Straubhaar
Professor Emeritus, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Global media; digital media; digital divide

Jeremi Suri
Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 475 7242
Expertise: Jeremi Suri holds the Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs. He is a professor in the Department of History in the College of Liberal Arts and the LBJ School of Public Affairs.
Professor Suri is the author and editor of eleven books on politics and foreign policy, most recently Civil War By Other Means: America's Long and Unfinished Fight for Democracy. He's published in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal,, Atlantic, Newsweek, Time, Wired, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and other media. Professor Suri hosts a weekly podcast, "This is Democracy." Suri's main research interests are the formation and spread of nation-states, modern international relations, the relationship between foreign policy and domestic politics, and the rise of knowledge institutions as global actors.

George E Sylvie
Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Media management; Internet newspaper economics; motivation and satisfaction in the newsroom; change and newspapers; newspaper organizational cooperation; technology''s role in media management; black press economics; mass media and minorities; newspaper reporting and editing; communication; journalism

Eric Tang
Director, Center for Asian American Studies, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: The Poetics of Displacement; Urban unrest; Activist research; gentrification

Mallary Tarpley
Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1990
Expertise: journalism; writing; eating disorders; nonprofit management; memoir; narrative nonfiction

Lisa B Thompson
Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 4656
Expertise: African American Literature, Film, Cultural Studies, Black Feminist Theory, Contemporary Black Theatre and Performance

Jessica R Toste
Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6551
Expertise: Focuses on effective interventions for students with and at-risk for reading disabilities, with a focus on intensifying intervention through data-based instruction and attention to motivational processes

Jay L Westbrook
Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1303
Expertise: Bankruptcy; international business litigation and arbitration; commercial law especially Article 9; secured credit

Anthony C Woodbury
Professor, Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 1701
Expertise: Chatino linguistics and language preservation, Documentation and preservation of endangered languages, Eskimo-Aleut languages and speech communities, Natural discourse and verbal art, Tone, prosody and intonation, Grammatical analysis and theory

Yuke Zhu
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, robotics, robot learning, machine learning, computer vision, interactive perception